We also brayered these roses. These are so gorgeous and easy.
Start by embossing the Manhattan Flower on Shimmery White paper. Using the lightest color first, brayer irregularly on the non-raised side of the paper. Remember to move lightly and shift directions/angles as you move the brayer to prevent lines. Change to a slightly darker color and continue with irregular layers.
After brayering layers of color, cut out the brayered image and mount.
So easy, so cool!
Oh that's beautiful! I just got the Manhattan embossing folder and this one will be certain on my list!
Great job!! I love this technique it's very easy to make beautiful cards!!
This looks beautiful! I have to try this!!!
Gorgeous card. I was not sure how to do that now I know and will give it a go. Thanks for sharing.
Very pretty! Definitely adding it to my list of things to try.
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